Friday, June 12, 2015

Two Months.

These photos were taken on our first day home from the hospital by my dear friend, Kate at Pressed and Brewed Photography. 
Magpie is two months old today. She seems to have grown from newborn to baby over the past several weeks.

Full-faced grins have replaced brief, infrequent smiles, her hands are open more often than not, and she follow us in and out of the room with her eyes. She is becoming more playful and enjoys having Dad close more than almost anything else, cooing and squealing sweetly when he puts his face close to hers. Lately, they have had the sweetest conversations.

She continues to sleep and eat like a champ and we are thankful for both as we have been able to ease into parenting with a decent amount of sleep and very little worry about her health. Her height rivals that of her older friends, and strangers often remark on her size or "health." Yup! She is off the charts! 

In the past several weeks she has grown lengthwise out of a few of her 0-3 month outfits, though she is still fitting most dresses, separates, and rompers. Fortunately, she hasn’t yet outgrown our favorite pajamas, the gray whale outfit in which we brought her home from the hospital.

A few weeks ago, I returned to work, jumping right in to the busy Vacation Church School (VCS/VBS) season. The program is next week. Fortunately, we both have a bit of time off immediately after and plan to spend a few days at our favorite place in the mountains. Before vacation though, Jeff returns to work at the end of his six-week leave. This is a transition we have not been looking forward to. Having Jeff around made the transition back to work go smoothly for me. I am grateful to have such a wonderful partner who is a willing and full participant in caring for our daughter (and helping out at the church, I might add).